
Robot Rule Is Here, Are We Ready?

Oct 26, 2021

By 2025, employers will divide work equally between people and machines

In the new book "Rule of the Robots: How Artificial Intelligence Will Transform Everything" (Rule of the Robots: How Artificial Intelligence Will Transform Everything) was released about 3 weeks ago, American writer Martin Ford said: "Robots will not be in our lives. Changes some or many things, but it changes everything in the literal sense."

If you have a smartphone, you have artificial intelligence in your pocket. Artificial intelligence on the Internet is inevitable. It may have changed everything from how doctors diagnose diseases to how you interact with friends or read news. But Martin Ford stated in the book "The Reign of Robots" that the real revolution has not yet arrived and we are only in the early stages.

The ROBOT is coming

In the book that was rated as a bestseller by the New York Times, Ford provided us with an amazing prediction of the near future. He believed that "artificial intelligence is a unique and powerful technology that can change human life according to the way it is used. For example, advanced science can be applied by machines to solve complex problems in molecular biology that humans cannot solve. Artificial intelligence can also help us cope with climate change or predict the next big Popularity and how to deal with it."

These machines also have the ability to cause serious harm. For example, they can use artificial intelligence to generate audio, photos, and videos, and make undetectable deep falsification of events and facts that have never occurred. Artificial intelligence may also be used to create chaos and riots around the world, or it may be used by authoritarian regimes for unprecedented espionage and social control mechanisms. In addition, artificial intelligence may generate serious prejudice, through our learning, training and continuing fanaticism and extremist attitudes.

The author asserts that “machines come, they will not stop. If humans want to flourish in the 21st century, we all need to know what this means. Robots are the ruler of all this, artificial intelligence and the future of our economy, politics, and life. Basic evidence."

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