Multifunctional UV Disinfection Robot
Multifunctional UV disinfection robot is a machine that uses physical principles to effectively and completely eliminate viruses. It has a high power of 180w, a wide range of high efficiency, and... [[TD-Add to Inquiry]]

Apr 07, 2020 · SMP Robotics S8.2 Disinfection Robot is fully autonomous; it performs sanitizing in automatic mode while monitoring the level of the...
12 products Brand ATEAGO 2 Altan Robotech 5 GlobalDWS 1 S3 Robotics 1 Symbol Group 2 TuringEra 1 Disinfection Robots Disinfection Robots help provide a cleaner and safer...
Mar 25, 2021 · ATEAGO Technology Co., Ltd. The Gobot Amy Disinfection Robot has two models with different disinfection methods: H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) disinfection robot and UVC disinfection robot....
Jul 05, 2021 · UVC disinfection robots are a valuable alternative to solution-based products, manual cleaning, and disinfection in times of a limited supply of traditional surface disinfectants....
The World’s Premier Disinfection Robot Bring hospital-grade disinfection to any environment. With 10,000+ hours of testing at top hospitals, schools, and offices, our OhmniClean™ disinfection...
Laska UVD Robot. Laska is a fully-autonomous UV Disinfection Robot that can perform regular cleaning to prevent and reduce the spread of infectious diseases, bacteria, and viruses with UV...