Sword No.3 UVC Disinfection Robot
Sword No.3 UVC disinfection robot is a fully autonomous ultraviolet disinfection robot, UV lamp output power reach up to 180W, High efficiency robot sterilizer, 360°sterilization, disinfection... [[TD-Add to Inquiry]]

Dry fog UVD (UV disinfection) robots and the UVC room sanitizer can be used for room and surface air disinfection. It can be easily moved from room to room for areas that are...
the medical disinfection robot itself carries a high-efficiency fogging generator that atomizes the disinfectant into micron-sized particles and then ensures that the disinfectant can quickly...
Using Fetch’s autonomous and programmable robot as a base with a fog-sprayer add-on developed by Build With Robotics, Breezy One uses an EPA...
Fogging spraying disinfection robot uses spray to disinfect. The mobile phone can also log in to the management platform to manage and build a map. It is more convenient to click on the...
AshSanit robot is made for the use in disinfection of Hospitals, Offices and Malls etc. These are equipped with a Jet spray and a fogging unit for the spraying and fogging of sanitation materials. It...
The disinfection spraying robots are developed to sterilize areas, equipment, and vehicles located in the open space areas. Disinfection is carried out by spraying hot fog during the...