Recently, as an important part of Baidu's "AI life" layout, the company's CEO Li Ying brought the new Xiaodu Tian Tian home robot to the 2023 Baidu World Confe...
Dec 27, 2023
How can code-driven robots better interact with humans? Recently, Brown University's Human-Robot Robotics Lab tested a new AI-enabled system that aims to make robots underst...
The end of the year has come, heavy snow, every winter, deep snow will make vegetable greenhouses, houses, etc., crushed, crops, trees and communication, transmission lines are ...
There's good news for the humanoid robot industry. On December 1, Shenzhen Best Technology Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "Best") passed the hearing to prep...
The booming popularity of autonomous self-driving forklifts can be attributed to a range of significant advantages and improvements they bring to the industrial and logistics se...
Dec 25, 2023
Laser-guided autonomous forklifts have numerous advantages, making them a widely adopted technology in industrial and logistics settings. Here are the main advantages of laser-g...
Dec 18, 2023
The application of autonomous self-driving forklifts in factories has become a crucial technology in modern manufacturing, offering numerous advantages for improving production ...
Dec 11, 2023
An autonomous unmanned forklift is a forklift that uses advanced automation technology and artificial intelligence to achieve handling and stacking tasks. These forklifts are of...
Dec 08, 2023